Source code for quantizeml.onnx_support.layers.quantizers

#!/usr/bin/env python
# ******************************************************************************
# Copyright 2023 Brainchip Holdings Ltd.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# ******************************************************************************
__all__ = ["InputQuantizer", "Dequantizer"]

import numpy as np

from onnx.helper import make_node
from .base_layer import OnnxLayer
from ..graph_tools.tensor import TENSOR_SHAPE, value_info_to_tensor_shape, array_to_tp

from ..quantization.input_scale import input_zp_scale

[docs]class InputQuantizer(OnnxLayer): """Intermediate representation of QuantizeLinear(), use to quantize the input. Args: input_tp (TensorProto): the input of the ONNX model. input_signed (bool, optional): whether the input is signed. Defaults to False. name (str, optional): the node name. Defaults to ''. """ def __init__(self, input_tp, input_signed=False, name=''): super().__init__("InputQuantizer", name=name) self.input_signed = input_signed self._input = [input_tp] def __build__(self, downscale=True): assert downscale, f"{} ({self.base_name}) does not support 32bit output" input_ts = value_info_to_tensor_shape(self.input) assert input_ts.dtype == np.float32 # Add weights zp_dtype = "int8" if self.input_signed else "uint8" self._add_weight("zero_point", value=np.zeros(input_ts.shape[1]), dtype=zp_dtype) # Compute output shape output_ts = TENSOR_SHAPE(input_ts.shape, np.dtype(zp_dtype)) return output_ts def __quantize__(self, out_tensor_range, force_fp=False): if force_fp: raise NotImplementedError("Force input scale to be a FP is not implemented yet.") # Compute output scale input_scale, input_zp = input_zp_scale(out_tensor_range, allow_zp=not self.input_signed) # Scale to set in weights is the reciprocal of ONNX calibrated one. scale = np.array(1 / input_scale, dtype=np.float32) # Save zero point (used by next layer) self.set_weight("zero_point", input_zp) # Compute weights to serialize weights = {f"{}/input_scale": scale, f"{}/input_zp": input_zp} return weights, input_scale @staticmethod def build_subgraph(op_type): return [make_node('QuantizeLinear', inputs=["X", "scale", "zp"], outputs=["Y"])]
[docs]class Dequantizer(OnnxLayer): """Intermediate representation of DequantizeLinear(), use to dequantize the input. Args: name (str, optional): the node name. Defaults to ''. """ def __init__(self, name=''): super().__init__("Dequantizer", name=name) def __build__(self, input_ts, downscale=True): assert input_ts.dtype in (np.int8, np.int32) # Compute output shape output_ts = TENSOR_SHAPE(input_ts.shape, np.dtype("float32")) return output_ts def quantize(self, qinput): # To keep homogenity with the other layers, this function is called 'quantize' # even though it does the opposite (dequantize): apply scale in the input integers. if self._output is None or self._input is None: # Build the layer if required # Scale to set in weights is the reciprocal of ONNX calibrated one. i_scale = qinput.weights["scale"] scale = np.array(1 / i_scale, dtype=np.float32) # Return ONNX node and weights weights = {f"{}/deq_scale": scale} inputs = [ for ts in self._input] + list(weights) onnx_node = self.make_node(inputs, []) onnx_weights = array_to_tp(**weights) return onnx_node, onnx_weights @staticmethod def build_subgraph(op_type): return [make_node('DequantizeLinear', inputs=["X", 'scale'], outputs=["Y"])]