Akida examples

To learn how to use Akida, the QuantizeML and CNN2SNN toolkits and check the Akida accelerator performance against some commonly used datasets please refer to the sections below.

General examples

Global Akida workflow

Global Akida workflow

AkidaNet/ImageNet inference

AkidaNet/ImageNet inference

DS-CNN/KWS inference

DS-CNN/KWS inference

Age estimation (regression) example

Age estimation (regression) example

Transfer learning with AkidaNet for PlantVillage

Transfer learning with AkidaNet for PlantVillage

YOLO/PASCAL-VOC detection tutorial

YOLO/PASCAL-VOC detection tutorial

Segmentation tutorial

Segmentation tutorial

Build Vision Transformers for Akida

Build Vision Transformers for Akida

PyTorch to Akida workflow

PyTorch to Akida workflow


Advanced QuantizeML tutorial

Advanced QuantizeML tutorial

Upgrading to Akida 2.0

Upgrading to Akida 2.0

Off-the-shelf models quantization

Off-the-shelf models quantization

Advanced ONNX models quantization

Advanced ONNX models quantization

Edge examples

Akida vision edge learning

Akida vision edge learning

Akida edge learning for keyword spotting

Akida edge learning for keyword spotting

Tips to set Akida edge learning parameters

Tips to set Akida edge learning parameters

[Deprecated] CNN2SNN tutorials

Please note that CNN2SNN quantization is now deprecated and shouldn’t be used anymore.

Advanced CNN2SNN tutorial

Advanced CNN2SNN tutorial

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