Supported configurations
- Operating systems:
Windows 10, Windows 11
Any Linux variant compatible with manylinux 2.28 (Ubuntu 20.04, Ubuntu 22.04, …)
Python versions: 3.9 to 3.11
TensorFlow versions: 2.15
Using Windows, the latest Visual C++ redistributable package is required. Please refer to this link for installation.
Quick installation
TensorFlow package is required to use the CNN2SNN tool, the Akida model zoo and to run the examples. Please refer to Install TensorFlow with pip for installation.
The akida, CNN2SNN and akida_models python packages can be setup with Python’s pip package manager:
pip install akida==2.11.0
pip install cnn2snn==2.11.0
pip install akida-models==1.6.2
We recommend using virtual environment such as Conda. Please note that the python version must be explicitly specified when creating a conda environment. The specification must be for one of the supported python versions listed above.
conda create --name akida_env python=3.11
conda activate akida_env
Running examples
The Akida tutorials can be downloaded from the examples
section as python scripts or Jupyter Notebooks. Dependencies needed to replay
the examples can be installed using the requirements.txt
pip install -r requirements.txt
Please refer to this link for Jupyter Notebook installation and configuration.