Source code for quantizeml.models.transforms.fold_batchnorms

#!/usr/bin/env python
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Transformation to fold BatchNormalization layers in a model.

__all__ = ['fold_batchnorms']

import keras
import numpy as np
import tensorflow as tf

from copy import deepcopy
from keras.layers import (BatchNormalization, Conv2D, SeparableConv2D, Dense, DepthwiseConv2D,

from .transforms_utils import get_layers, get_layer_index, update_inbound, get_layers_by_type
from ..utils import apply_weights_to_model
from ...layers import (PaddedConv2D, QuantizedConv2D, QuantizedSeparableConv2D, QuantizedDense,
                       QuantizedDepthwiseConv2D, QuantizedConv2DTranspose, DepthwiseConv2DTranspose,
                       QuantizedDepthwiseConv2DTranspose, BufferTempConv, DepthwiseBufferTempConv)

[docs]def fold_batchnorms(model): """Returns a new model where BatchNormalization layers are folded into previous layers. From a Keras model where BN layers follow processing layers, this function removes the BN layers and updates the preceding layers weights and bias accordingly. The new model is strictly equivalent to the previous one. Args: model (keras.Model): a model Returns: keras.Model: the original model or a model with BN folded """ # Find foldable BN and their inbound map_prev_layer_to_bn = _find_batchnorms_to_fold(model) # When there are no valid candidates, return the original model if len(map_prev_layer_to_bn) == 0: return model # Rebuild a model without BN by editing the configuration model_folded = _get_BN_less_model(model, map_prev_layer_to_bn) # Set folded weights in the new model for layer, bn in map_prev_layer_to_bn.items(): new_weights = _compute_BN_folded_weights(layer, bn) model_folded.get_layer( return model_folded
def _find_batchnorms_to_fold(model): """ Retrieves BatchNormalization layers that can be folded. This is limited to BN layers that follow supported layer types. Args: model (keras.Model): a model Returns: dict: map between a layer and its BN layer to be folded Raises: RuntimeError: if the candidate BN has null gammas or BN is not applied on the last axis. """ supported_layers = (Conv2D, PaddedConv2D, Conv2DTranspose, SeparableConv2D, DepthwiseConv2D, Dense, QuantizedConv2D, QuantizedConv2DTranspose, QuantizedSeparableConv2D, QuantizedDepthwiseConv2D, QuantizedDense, DepthwiseConv2DTranspose, QuantizedDepthwiseConv2DTranspose, BufferTempConv, DepthwiseBufferTempConv) # Map between a layer and its following BN layer map_prev_layer_to_bn = {} # Get all BatchNormalization layers present in the model bns = get_layers_by_type(model, BatchNormalization) # Find valid "layer -> BN" candidates for bn in bns: # Find a supported inbound layer inbound = bn.inbound_nodes[0].inbound_layers if isinstance(inbound, supported_layers): # Null gammas are not supported: once folded, new kernel would be zero gamma = bn.get_weights()[0] if np.any(gamma == 0): raise RuntimeError(f"There are {np.sum(gamma == 0)} null gammas in the " f"BatchNormalization layer '{}'. Null gammas are " "not supported.") # Check BN axis parameter if (len(bn.axis) != 1 or bn.axis[0] != len(bn.input_shape) - 1): raise RuntimeError(f"The BatchNormalization must be applied on the last " f"axis. '{}' layer has axis={bn.axis}.") map_prev_layer_to_bn[inbound] = bn return map_prev_layer_to_bn def _get_BN_less_model(model, map_prev_layer_to_bn): """ Edits the model configuration to remove BN layer and rebuilds a model. Args: model (keras.Model): a model map_prev_layer_to_bn (dict): map between a layer and its BN layer to be folded Returns: keras.Model: an updated model without BN layers """ # get_config documentation mentions that a copy should be made when planning to modify the # config config = deepcopy(model.get_config()) layers = config['layers'] new_output_name = None for prev_layer, layer_bn in map_prev_layer_to_bn.items(): # Set use_bias=True in layers where BN are folded to accept new computed weights prev_index = get_layer_index(layers, layers[prev_index]['config']['use_bias'] = True # For sequential model, the changes stop here: the BN layers will simply be removed in the # following step. For other models, the layers inbounds/outbounds must be rebuilt. if isinstance(model, keras.Sequential): continue # Retrieve the BN input layer. Assumes that BN has only 1 inbound. bn_index = get_layer_index(layers, # tfmot code: 'inbound_nodes' is a nested list where first element is the inbound layername, # e.g: [[['conv1', 0, 0, {} ]]] updated_inbound = layers[bn_index]['inbound_nodes'][0][0][0] # Get the layers after BN, ie. outbounds layers bn_outbound_names = [ for outbound in layer_bn.outbound_nodes] outbound_ids = [get_layer_index(layers, bn_outbound) for bn_outbound in bn_outbound_names] # If BN is the last layer (no outbound), store its name and inbound name so that the model # output can be updated later if len(outbound_ids) == 0: new_output_name = updated_inbound last_bn = # Update BN outbounds layers: their current inbound is the BN layer that will be folded so # it must be replaced with the BN previous layer (folding target or the BN inbound). This # results in by-passing the BN layer: inbound > BN > outbounds becomes inbound > outbounds. for id in outbound_ids: update_inbound(layers[id],, updated_inbound) # Remove BN layers layers_to_remove = get_layers(config, [ for bn in map_prev_layer_to_bn.values()]) for layer_to_remove in layers_to_remove: layers.remove(layer_to_remove) # Update the model outputs if needed if new_output_name: for index, out_layer in enumerate(config['output_layers']): if out_layer[0] == last_bn: config['output_layers'][index][0] = new_output_name # Reconstruct model from the config, using the cloned layers. updated_model = model.from_config(config) # Restore model weights variables_dict = { var for var in model.variables} apply_weights_to_model(updated_model, variables_dict, False) return updated_model def _compute_BN_folded_weights(target_layer, bn_layer): """ Computes the new weights of a layer after folding BatchNormalization into it. Args: target_layer (keras.layers.Layer): the layer where BN will be folded bn_layer (keras.layers.Layer): the BatchNormalization layer to fold into the preceding layer Returns: list: the new weights to set in the folded destination layer. """ # Get kernel and bias weights of the target layer kernel_position = 0 bias_position = 1 if isinstance(target_layer, SeparableConv2D): kernel_position = 1 bias_position = 2 weights = target_layer.get_weights() kernel = weights[kernel_position] bias = weights[bias_position] if target_layer.use_bias else 0 # Get BN weights gamma, beta, mean, var = bn_layer.get_weights() scale_BN = gamma / np.sqrt(var + bn_layer.epsilon) # Compute new folded kernel and bias if isinstance(target_layer, DepthwiseConv2D): # Last dimension of DepthwiseConv2D kernel is 1 so scale_BN should be reshaped to (shape, 1) # (first two dimensions will be broadcasted) new_kernel = kernel * scale_BN.reshape(*scale_BN.shape, 1) elif isinstance(target_layer, Conv2DTranspose): # Handle Conv2DTranspose kernels that are (h, w, filters, channels) instead of (h, w, # channels, filters) new_kernel = tf.transpose(kernel, (0, 1, 3, 2)) * scale_BN new_kernel = tf.transpose(new_kernel, (0, 1, 3, 2)) else: new_kernel = kernel * scale_BN new_bias = beta + (bias - mean) * scale_BN # Return all weights with modified ones new_weights = weights new_weights[kernel_position] = new_kernel if target_layer.use_bias: new_weights[bias_position] = new_bias else: new_weights.append(new_bias) return new_weights