Source code for cnn2snn.transforms.batch_normalization

#!/usr/bin/env python
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"""BatchNormalization transformations for Keras/CNN2SNN Sequential models.

import numpy as np
import tensorflow as tf
from keras import Sequential, Input
from keras.layers import (Conv2D, SeparableConv2D, Dense, MaxPool2D,
                          GlobalAvgPool2D, BatchNormalization)

from ..quantization_ops import MaxPerAxisQuantizer, StdPerAxisQuantizer
from ..quantization_layers import (QuantizedConv2D, QuantizedSeparableConv2D,
from ..cnn2snn_objects import cnn2snn_objects
from .clone import clone_layer, clone_layer_and_add_to_model

[docs]def invert_batchnorm_pooling(model): """Inverts pooling and BatchNormalization layers in a Sequential model to have BN layer before pooling. Having pool->BN or BN->pool is equivalent only if BN layer has no negative gammas. Args: model (:obj:`tf.keras.Model`): a Sequential Keras model. Returns: :obj:`tf.keras.Model`: a Sequential Keras model. """ assert isinstance(model, Sequential) new_model = Sequential() new_model.add(Input(model.input_shape[1:])) i = 0 while i < len(model.layers) - 1: layer = model.layers[i] next_layer = model.layers[i + 1] if (isinstance(layer, (MaxPool2D, GlobalAvgPool2D)) and isinstance(next_layer, BatchNormalization)): gammas = next_layer.get_weights()[0] if isinstance(layer, MaxPool2D) and np.any(gammas <= 0): # It is impossible to invert MaxPool->BN with gammas <= 0 raise RuntimeError(f"There are {np.sum(gammas <= 0)} negative " "gammas in the batch norm layer " f"{}. Negative gammas are " "not supported.") # GlobalAveragePooling2D brings a change on axis for the batch norm. if isinstance(layer, GlobalAvgPool2D): bn_config = next_layer.get_config() bn_config['axis'] = [-1] with tf.keras.utils.custom_object_scope(cnn2snn_objects): bn_layer_clone = BatchNormalization.from_config(bn_config) else: bn_layer_clone = clone_layer(next_layer) new_model.add(bn_layer_clone) bn_layer_clone.set_weights(next_layer.get_weights()) clone_layer_and_add_to_model(layer, new_model) i = i + 2 else: clone_layer_and_add_to_model(layer, new_model) i = i + 1 if i < len(model.layers): clone_layer_and_add_to_model(model.layers[-1], new_model) return new_model
def _compute_BN_folded_weights(neural_layer, bn_layer): """Computes the new weights of a neural layer after folding BN layer. Args: neural_layer (:obj:`tf.keras.Layer`): a neural layer where BN will be folded. bn_layer (:obj:`tf.keras.Layer`): the BatchNormalization layer to fold into the neural layer. Returns: list: a list of the new weights to set in the new folded neural layer. list: a list of positive scale factors introduced by the folding. """ # Get kernel and bias weights of the neural layer if type(neural_layer) in (SeparableConv2D, QuantizedSeparableConv2D): kernel_position = 1 bias_position = 2 else: kernel_position = 0 bias_position = 1 weights = neural_layer.get_weights() kernel = weights[kernel_position] bias = weights[bias_position] if neural_layer.use_bias else 0 # Get BN weights gamma, beta, mean, var = bn_layer.get_weights() scale_BN = gamma / np.sqrt(var + bn_layer.epsilon) # Compute new folded kernel and bias new_kernel = kernel * scale_BN new_bias = beta + (bias - mean) * scale_BN # Return all weights with modified ones new_weights = weights new_weights[kernel_position] = new_kernel if neural_layer.use_bias: new_weights[bias_position] = new_bias else: new_weights.insert(bias_position, new_bias) # Absolute value of scale_BN is returned because we no longer need its sign. # It is later used to rescale the scale factors which are always positive. return new_weights, np.abs(scale_BN)
[docs]def fold_batchnorm(model): """Folds BatchNormalization layers into the preceding neural layers of a Sequential model. Args: model (:obj:`tf.keras.Model`): a Sequential Keras model. Returns: :obj:`tf.keras.Model`: a Sequential Keras model. """ assert isinstance(model, Sequential) quantized_layers = (QuantizedConv2D, QuantizedSeparableConv2D, QuantizedDense) neural_layers = quantized_layers + (Conv2D, SeparableConv2D, Dense) new_model = Sequential() new_model.add(Input(model.input_shape[1:])) i = 0 while i < len(model.layers) - 1: layer = model.layers[i] next_layer = model.layers[i + 1] if (isinstance(layer, neural_layers) and isinstance(next_layer, BatchNormalization)): # Check BN axis parameter if (len(next_layer.axis) != 1 or next_layer.axis[0] != len(next_layer.input_shape) - 1): raise RuntimeError(f"The BatchNormalization layer " f"{} must be applied on the " f"last axis. Receives {next_layer.axis}.") # If the layer has been quantized, check quantizer if isinstance(layer, quantized_layers): if not isinstance(layer.quantizer, (MaxPerAxisQuantizer, StdPerAxisQuantizer)): shift_for_sepconv = isinstance(layer, QuantizedSeparableConv2D) w = layer.get_weights()[0 + shift_for_sepconv] scale_factors = layer.quantizer.scale_factor(tf.constant(w)) if tf.rank(scale_factors) != 1: raise RuntimeError( f"The BatchNormalization layer {} " "can only be folded into a quantized layer that " "uses a quantizer per axis.") # Add new neural layer with bias config = layer.get_config() config['use_bias'] = True new_layer = layer.__class__.from_config(config) new_model.add(new_layer) new_weights, scale_BN = _compute_BN_folded_weights( layer, next_layer) if np.any(scale_BN == 0): # Zero gammas are not supported: once folded, new kernel is zero raise RuntimeError(f"There are {np.sum(scale_BN == 0)} null " "gammas in the batch norm layer " f"{}. Null gammas are not " "supported.") new_layer.set_weights(new_weights) i = i + 2 else: clone_layer_and_add_to_model(layer, new_model) i = i + 1 if i < len(model.layers): clone_layer_and_add_to_model(model.layers[-1], new_model) return new_model