Source code for akida_models.modelnet40.preprocessing

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# ******************************************************************************
Preprocessing tools for ModelNet40 data handling.

__all__ = ["get_modelnet_from_file", "get_modelnet"]

import os
import glob
import numpy as np
import tensorflow as tf
import trimesh

from .pointnet_utils import pointnet_preproc
from ..utils import fetch_file

def _parse_dataset(data_dir, num_points=1024):
    """ Parse the dataset.

        data_dir (str): directory that contains the dataset.
        num_points (int, optional): number of points  with which mesh is sample.
            Defaults to 1024.

        tuple: tuple of train and test points with the corresponding labels.
    print('Preparing Dataset. May take a few minutes')
    print('This is only done once for a given requested number of points')
    train_points = []
    train_labels = []
    test_points = []
    test_labels = []
    class_map = {}
    folders = glob.glob(os.path.join(data_dir, "*"))

    i = -1
    for folder in folders:
        if not folder.endswith('README.txt'):
            i += 1
            print("processing class: {}".format(os.path.basename(folder)))
            # store folder name with ID so we can retrieve later
            class_map[i] = os.path.basename(os.path.normpath(folder))
            # gather all files
            train_files = glob.glob(os.path.join(folder, "train/*"))
            test_files = glob.glob(os.path.join(folder, "test/*"))

            # Raw files have extremely varying amplitude ranges
            # Here, we normalise all to the range [-1, 1]
            for f in train_files:
                temp_points = np.array(trimesh.load(f).sample(num_points))
                temp_points /= np.amax(np.abs(temp_points))

            for f in test_files:
                temp_points = np.array(trimesh.load(f).sample(num_points))
                temp_points /= np.amax(np.abs(temp_points))

    return (

def _data_transformation(points, label):
    """ Data transformation function.

        points (tf.Tensor): the points to which jitter is added.
        label (tf.Tensor): the labels.

        tf.Tensor, tf.Tensor: the points and labels for data transformation.
    # jitter points
    points += tf.random.uniform(points.shape, -0.005, 0.005, tf.float64)
    # shuffle points
    points = tf.random.shuffle(points)
    return points, label

[docs]def get_modelnet_from_file(num_points, filename=""): """ Load the ModelNet data from file. First parse through the ModelNet data folders. Each mesh is loaded and sampled into a point cloud before being added to a standard python list and converted to a `numpy` array. We also store the current enumerate index value as the object label and use a dictionary to recall this later. Args: num_points (int): number of points with which mesh is sample. filename (str): the dataset file to load if the npz file was not generated yet. Defaults to "". Returns: np.array, np.array, np.array, np.array, dict: train set, train labels, test set, test labels as numpy arrays and dict containing class folder name. """ base = os.path.basename(filename) short_filename = os.path.splitext(base)[0] datafile = short_filename + "_" + str(num_points) + "pts.npz" if os.path.exists(datafile): loadin = np.load(datafile, allow_pickle=True) train_points = loadin['train_points'] train_labels = loadin['train_labels'] test_points = loadin['test_points'] test_labels = loadin['test_labels'] class_map = loadin['class_map'].item() else: data_dir = filename # Join the test directory if needed is_exist = os.path.exists(data_dir) if not is_exist: data_dir = os.path.join("modelnet40", filename) is_exist = os.path.exists(data_dir) # Download dataset if not yet on local if not is_exist: original_url = "" + filename # Load dataset # For ModelNet40, 2 Gb to download, and 12K files to unzip, # so can take some time print("Checking for downloaded, unzipped data (one-time task)...") data_dir = fetch_file(original_url, fname=filename, extract=True) data_dir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(data_dir), short_filename) # Then read in the data and store a fixed number of points per sample train_points, test_points, train_labels, test_labels, class_map = _parse_dataset( data_dir, num_points) np.savez(datafile, train_points=train_points, train_labels=train_labels, test_points=test_points, test_labels=test_labels, class_map=class_map) return train_points, train_labels, test_points, test_labels, class_map
[docs]def get_modelnet(train_points, train_labels, test_points, test_labels, batch_size, selected_points=64, knn_points=32): """ Obtains the ModelNet dataset. Args: train_points (numpy.array): train set. train_labels (numpy.array): train labels. test_points (numpy.array): test set. test_labels (numpy.array): test labels. batch_size (int): size of the batch. selected_points (int): num points to process per sample. Defaults to 64. knn_points (int): number of points to include in each localised group. Must be a power of 2, and ideally an integer square (so 64, or 16 for a deliberately small network, or 256 for large). Defaults to 32. Returns:, train and test point with data augmentation. """ # Our data can now be read into a `` object. We set the # shuffle buffer size to the entire size of the dataset as prior to this the # data is ordered by class. Data augmentation is important when working with # point cloud data. We create an augmentation function to jitter and shuffle # the train dataset. train_dataset = (train_points, train_labels)) test_dataset = (test_points, test_labels)) if len(train_points) > 0: train_dataset = train_dataset.shuffle( len(train_points)).map(_data_transformation).batch(batch_size) train_dataset = \ points, label: pointnet_preproc(points, label, selected_points, knn_points), test_dataset = test_dataset.batch(batch_size) test_dataset = \ points, label: pointnet_preproc(points, label, selected_points, knn_points), return train_dataset, test_dataset