Source code for akida.layers.extract_token

from akida.core import (Layer, LayerParams, LayerType)

[docs] class ExtractToken(Layer): """A layer capable of extracting a range from input tensor. This is similar to numpy.take_along_axis, where the indices are in the range [begin:end]. Note that reduction axis will be the first axis that is not 1. Args: begin (int, optional): beginning of the range to take into account. Defaults to 0. end (int, optional): end of the range to take into account. Defaults to None. name (str, optional): name of the layer. Defaults to empty string. """ def __init__(self, begin=0, end=None, name=""): if end is None: end = begin + 1 try: params = LayerParams( LayerType.ExtractToken, { "begin": begin, "end": end }) # Call parent constructor to initialize C++ bindings # Note that we invoke directly __init__ instead of using super, as # specified in pybind documentation Layer.__init__(self, params, name) except BaseException: self = None raise