Source code for quantizeml.tensors.fixed_point

#!/usr/bin/env python
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import tensorflow as tf

from .qtensor import (
    QTensor, saturate, round_through, floor_through, pow2,
    ceil_log2, slice_tensor_by_index)
from ..debugging import assert_equal, assert_none_equal, assert_less, assert_less_equal

[docs] class FixedPoint(QTensor): r"""A Tensor of integer values representing fixed-point numbers The value_bits parameter sets the maximum integer values that can be stored: .. math:: int\_max = 2^{bits} - 1. When a FixedPoint is created, its values are clipped to [-int_max-1, int_max]. Args: values (tf.Tensor): a tensor of integer values value_bits (int): the number of value bits. frac_bits (tf.Tensor): an integer tensor of fractional bits. """ values: tf.Tensor = 1.0 value_bits: int = 7 frac_bits: tf.Tensor = 0. def __init__(self, values, value_bits, frac_bits): # We store integer values in a float tensor to speed up calculations if isinstance(values, tf.Tensor): values = tf.cast(values, tf.float32) else: values = tf.convert_to_tensor(values, dtype=tf.float32) # Clamp to fixed-point boundaries self.values = saturate(values, tf.cast(value_bits, tf.float32)) # We store fractional bits in a float tensor to speed up calculations if isinstance(frac_bits, tf.Tensor): self.frac_bits = tf.cast(frac_bits, tf.float32) else: self.frac_bits = tf.convert_to_tensor(frac_bits, tf.float32) self.value_bits = value_bits self.shape = self.values.shape @property def name(self): return "no-name" if not hasattr(self.values, "name") else @property def per_tensor(self): return self.frac_bits.shape.ndims == 0 or self.frac_bits.shape == (1,)
[docs] @staticmethod def max_frac_bits(value_bits, ranges, clamp=True): """Evaluate the maximum fractional bit index for the quantization ranges. This method evaluates the minimum number of integer bits required to cover the specified quantization ranges (this can be a negative number if the ranges are strictly lower than 0.5). From that it deduces the rightmost fractional bit indices. The resulting frac_bits can be a negative number if the ranges are higher than the biggest integer that can be represented with the specified value bits. If specified, the maximum fractional bits are clamped to the available value_bits. Args: value_bits (int): the number of value bits. ranges (tf:Tensor): a tensor of float quantization ranges. clamp (bool, optional): clamp the results to self.value_bits. Defaults to True. Returns: tf:Tensor: a tensor of fractional bits. """ # Get the powers of two containing the quantization ranges int_bits = ceil_log2(ranges) # Evaluate the rightmost fractional bits (they can be negative) value_bits = tf.cast(value_bits, tf.float32) frac_bits = value_bits - int_bits if clamp: frac_bits = tf.minimum(frac_bits, value_bits) return frac_bits
[docs] @staticmethod def quantize(x, value_bits, frac_bits=None): r"""Converts a float Tensor to a FixedPoint It converts the original float values into integer values so that: .. math:: {x_{int}} = round(x * 2^{frac\_bits}) Note: :math:`2^{-frac\_bits}` represents the FixedPoint precision. Before returning, the resulting integer values are clipped to the maximum integer values that can be stored for the specified value bits: .. math:: [-2^{value\_bits}, 2^{value\_bits} - 1] If frac_bits is not specified, the method starts by evaluating the number of bits to dedicate to represent the integer part of the float tensor, clipped to value_bits: .. math:: int\_bits = ceil(log2(x)) Note: this number can be negative when x < 0.5. It then evaluates the offset of the least significant bit of the fractional part of the float starting from zero. This represents the fractional bits: .. math:: frac\_bits = value\_bits - int\_bits Args: x (tf.Tensor): a tensor of float values. value_bits (int): the number of value bits frac_bits (tf.Tensor, optional): an integer tensor of fractional bits. Defaults to None. Returns: :obj:`FixedPoint`: the FixedPoint tensor """ if frac_bits is None: if isinstance(x, int) or tf.reduce_all(x == tf.math.round(x)): # The input does not need to be quantized frac_bits = 0 else: frac_bits = FixedPoint.max_frac_bits(value_bits, tf.math.reduce_max(tf.abs(x))) # Project float into fixed-point representation space x_scaled = tf.math.multiply(x, pow2(frac_bits), name="quantize") # Round to obtain integer values values = round_through(x_scaled) return FixedPoint(values, value_bits, frac_bits)
@property def sign(self): """Returns the sign of the FixedPoint Returns: :obj:`FixedPoint`: the sign as a FixedPoint. """ return FixedPoint(tf.math.sign(self.values), self.value_bits, 0)
[docs] def to_float(self): return self.values / pow2(self.frac_bits)
[docs] def promote(self, bits): """Increase the number of value bits Args: bits (int): the new number of value bits Returns: :obj:`FixedPoint`: a FixedPoint with increased value bits """ if not isinstance(bits, int): raise TypeError("Bitwidth must be an integer") if bits < 0: raise ValueError("Invalid bitwidth") if bits < self.value_bits: raise ValueError(f"Cannot reduce value bits from {self.value_bits} to {bits}: " "use a quantizer instead") return FixedPoint(self.values, bits, self.frac_bits)
[docs] def align(self, other, value_bits=None): """Align fractional bits This returns an equivalent FixedPoint with a scalar fractional bit corresponding to the maximum of the current and other FixedPoint on all channels. This is required before performing an operation that adds or subtracts elements along the last dimension, to make sure all these elements are in the same scale. Args: other (:obj:`FixedPoint`): a FixedPoint to align to value_bits (int, optional): the target value bits. Defaults to None. Returns: tuple(:obj:`FixedPoint`, tf.Tensor): a new FixedPoint with aligned fractional bits and the shift that was applied. """ if not isinstance(other, FixedPoint): raise ValueError("Other must be a FixedPoint.") max_frac_bits = tf.math.maximum(self.frac_bits, other.frac_bits) return self.upscale(max_frac_bits, value_bits)
[docs] def downscale(self, frac_bits): """Reduce the precision of a FixedPoint Args: frac_bits (tf.Tensor): the target fractional bits Returns: :obj:`FixedPoint`: the downscaled FixedPoint """ frac_bits = tf.cast(frac_bits, tf.float32) assert_less_equal(frac_bits, self.frac_bits, f"Cannot reduce {} precision because the target precision " f"({frac_bits}) is higher than the current one ({self.frac_bits})") return self.rescale(frac_bits)
[docs] def rescale(self, frac_bits, value_bits=None): """Rescale a FixedPoint to a specified precision and bitwidth This primarily rescales the FixedPoint values to match the precision specified by the target fractional bits. Optionally, this adjusts the value bits to the specified bitwidth. The rescaling operation is: - a left shift of the values when their precision increases, - a rounded right shift of the values when their precision decreases. This method can be used to: - compress a FixedPoint to a lower bitwidth after having reduced its precision, - expand a FixedPoint to a larger bitwidth after having increased its precision. Args: frac_bits (tf.Tensor): the target fractional bits value_bits (int, optional): the target value bits Returns: :obj:`FixedPoint`: the rescaled FixedPoint """ if value_bits is None: value_bits = self.value_bits frac_bits = tf.cast(frac_bits, tf.float32) # Evaluate the shift to apply to reach the target precision shift = frac_bits - self.frac_bits # The shift can be positive (left-shift) or negative (rounded right-shift) # A positive shift exceeding the target bitwidth always leads to a saturation assert_less(shift, value_bits, f"Cannot rescale {} to {frac_bits} fractional bits as it will saturate" f" its {value_bits} buffer") # The integer operations are simulated in float arithmetics: # - the shifts by multiplying by the positive/negative shift power of two, # - the rounding by adding 0.5 and flooring (to workaround banker's rounding). # For positive shift, the results being integer, the rounding has no effect. # We therefore apply the same operations for both shifts. values = tf.math.multiply(self.values, pow2(shift), name="rescale") values = floor_through(values + 0.5) # return a new FixedPoint with the target precision and bitwidth return FixedPoint(values, value_bits, frac_bits), shift
[docs] def upscale(self, frac_bits, value_bits=None): """Align a FixedPoint to a specified precision The target precision must be higher than the current one. Args: frac_bits (tf.Tensor): the target fractional bits value_bits (int, optional): the target value bits Returns: :obj:`FixedPoint`: the upscaled FixedPoint """ frac_bits = tf.cast(frac_bits, tf.float32) assert_less_equal(self.frac_bits, frac_bits, f"Cannot increase {} precision because the target precision " f"({frac_bits}) is lower than the current one ({self.frac_bits})") return self.rescale(frac_bits, value_bits)
[docs] def expand(self, value_bits): """Expand the FixedPoint to the specified bitwidth This returns an equivalent FixedPoint with a higher or equal number of value bits and a scalar fractional bit corresponding to the maximum of the initial fractional bits on all channels. This is mostly used to recover a per-tensor FixedPoint that has been compressed to a lower number of value bits. Args: value_bits (int): the target value_bits Returns: tuple(:obj:`FixedPoint`, tf.Tensor): a new FixedPoint with expanded fractional bits and the shift that was applied. """ if value_bits < self.value_bits: raise ValueError( f"Cannot reduce {} bitwidth from {self.value_bits} to {value_bits}:" " use a quantizer instead.") max_frac_bits = tf.reduce_max(self.frac_bits) return self.upscale(max_frac_bits, value_bits)
@staticmethod def _rshift(values, shift): return floor_through(values / pow2(shift)) @staticmethod def _lshift(values, shift): return tf.math.multiply(values, pow2(shift), name="lshift")
[docs] def shift(self, s): """Apply a tensor-wide left or right shift. This takes a tensor of shift values and apply them on each item of the FixedPoint values. The shift values should positive or negative integer: - if the value is positive, it is a left-shift, - if the value is negative, it is a right-shift. The resulting FixedPoint has the same value bits and fractional bits as the source FixedPoint, which means that clipping is applied on left-shift and flooring is applied on right-shift. Args: s (tf.Tensor): the shift values for each pixel. Returns: :obj:`FixedPoint`: the result as a FixedPoint """ values = tf.math.multiply(self.values, pow2(s), name="shift") values = floor_through(values) return FixedPoint(values, self.value_bits, self.frac_bits)
def __rshift__(self, shift): """Right shift the FixedPoint values This operation has no direct equivalent in float arithmetics: it corresponds to a division of the corresponding float by a power-of-two, then a flooring to the quantization interval. Args: shift (tf.Tensor): the power of 2 to divide by Returns: :obj:`FixedPoint`: the result as a FixedPoint """ shift = tf.cast(shift, tf.float32) assert_less_equal(0, shift, "Shift must be all positive") assert_equal(tf.rank(shift) <= tf.rank(self.frac_bits), True, "The shift's rank must be less than or equal to the rank of frac_bits. " f"Received {tf.rank(shift)} > {tf.rank(self.frac_bits)}." "That means it is not possible to fold the shift into the FixedPoint. " "Please use FixedPoint.shift instead of '>>'.") # The shift can be folded into the fractional bits, s_frac_bits = self.frac_bits + shift # keeping the same values s_values = self.values # Return a new FixedPoint with updated fractional bits, # which is equivalent in hardward without performing any operation return FixedPoint(s_values, self.value_bits, s_frac_bits) def __lshift__(self, shift): """Left shift the FixedPoint values This operation has no direct equivalent in float arithmetics: it corresponds to a multiplication of the corresponding float by a power-of-two, then a flooring to the quantization interval. Args: shift (tf.Tensor): the power of 2 to multiply by Returns: :obj:`FixedPoint`: the result as a FixedPoint """ assert_less_equal(0, shift, "Shift must be all positive") # Simply apply the shift on the values s_values = FixedPoint._lshift(self.values, shift) # Return a new FixedPoint with updated values return FixedPoint(s_values, self.value_bits, self.frac_bits) def _align_values(self, other): # The sub fractional bits are the max of both terms frac_bits = tf.math.maximum(self.frac_bits, other.frac_bits) self_values = FixedPoint._lshift( self.values, (frac_bits - self.frac_bits)) other_values = FixedPoint._lshift( other.values, (frac_bits - other.frac_bits)) return frac_bits, self_values, other_values def __add__(self, other): if isinstance(other, int): # Convert integer into a 32-bit fixed-point with no fractional bits, # aligned with the current FixedPoint return self + FixedPoint.quantize(other, 32, self.frac_bits) elif isinstance(other, FixedPoint): # Check that self and other are aligned assert_equal(self.frac_bits, other.frac_bits, message=f"{} and {} are not aligned") # Return a new FixedPoint return FixedPoint(self.values + other.values, self.value_bits, self.frac_bits) raise TypeError( f"Unsupported operand type(s) for +: 'FixedPoint' and '{type(other)}'") def __sub__(self, other): if isinstance(other, int): # Convert integer into a 32-bit fixed-point with no fractional bits, # aligned with the current FixedPoint return self - FixedPoint.quantize(other, 32, self.frac_bits) elif isinstance(other, FixedPoint): # Check that self and other are aligned assert_equal(self.frac_bits, other.frac_bits, message=f"{} and {} are not aligned") # Return a new FixedPoint return FixedPoint(self.values - other.values, self.value_bits, self.frac_bits) raise TypeError( f"Unsupported operand type(s) for -: 'FixedPoint' and '{type(other)}'") def __truediv__(self, other): @tf.function @tf.custom_gradient def truncate(x): # Remove decimal part from x, This is to obtain a value that # matches the result estimated in C when working with ints. rounded = tf.cast(tf.cast(x, tf.int32), tf.float32) def grad(upstream): return upstream return rounded, grad if isinstance(other, int): return self / FixedPoint(other, 32, 0) elif isinstance(other, FixedPoint): assert_none_equal(other.values, 0.0, "Cannot divide by 0.") # The division between fixed-point is straight-forward d_values = truncate(self.values / other.values) # Return a new FixedPoint whose frac bits from other is subtracted. return FixedPoint(d_values, self.value_bits, self.frac_bits - other.frac_bits) raise TypeError( f"Unsupported operand type(s) for /: 'FixedPoint' and '{type(other)}'") def __getitem__(self, idx): r"""Retrieve a slice or element from the FixedPoint tensor. This function allows for slicing or indexing the FixedPoint tensor in a similar way to a standard TensorFlow tensor. It handles the slicing of both the values and the frac_bits of the FixedPoint tensor, ensuring that the tensor representation remains consistent. Args: idx (int, slice, or tuple): The index or slice to retrieve. It can be an integer, a slice, or a tuple of integers/slices. The tuple can also include the Ellipsis (`...`) to denote a slice over remaining dimensions. Returns: FixedPoint: A new FixedPoint instance containing the sliced values and corresponding frac_bits. """ sliced_values = self.values[idx] if self.per_tensor: return FixedPoint(sliced_values, self.value_bits, self.frac_bits) else: values_rank = len(self.shape) sliced_frac_bits = slice_tensor_by_index(idx, values_rank, self.frac_bits) return FixedPoint(sliced_values, self.value_bits, sliced_frac_bits) def __pow__(self, power): if isinstance(power, int): if power == 0: return FixedPoint(tf.ones_like(self.values), self.value_bits, 0) elif power == 1: return FixedPoint(self.values, self.value_bits, self.frac_bits) elif power > 1: return self * self ** (power - 1) else: raise NotImplementedError( "Negative powers are not implemented yet") raise TypeError( f"Unsupported operand type(s) for **: 'FixedPoint' and '{type(power)}'") def __gt__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, FixedPoint): raise TypeError( f"Unsupported operand type(s) for >: 'FixedPoint' and '{type(other)}'") _, s_values, o_values = self._align_values(other) return s_values > o_values def __ge__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, FixedPoint): raise TypeError( f"Unsupported operand type(s) for >=: 'FixedPoint' and '{type(other)}'") _, s_values, o_values = self._align_values(other) return s_values >= o_values def __eq__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, FixedPoint): raise TypeError( f"Unsupported operand type(s) for ==: 'FixedPoint' and '{type(other)}'") _, s_values, o_values = self._align_values(other) return s_values == o_values def __ne__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, FixedPoint): raise TypeError( f"unsupported operand type(s) for !=: 'FixedPoint' and '{type(other)}'") _, s_values, o_values = self._align_values(other) return s_values != o_values def __lt__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, FixedPoint): raise TypeError( f"Unsupported operand type(s) for <: 'FixedPoint' and '{type(other)}'") _, s_values, o_values = self._align_values(other) return s_values < o_values def __le__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, FixedPoint): raise TypeError( f"Unsupported operand type(s) for <=: 'FixedPoint' and '{type(other)}'") _, s_values, o_values = self._align_values(other) return s_values <= o_values
[docs] def abs(self): """Returns the absolute value of the FixedPoint Returns: :obj:`FixedPoint`: the absolute value. """ return FixedPoint(tf.math.abs(self.values), self.value_bits, self.frac_bits)
[docs] def floor(self): """Floors the FixedPoint Returns: tuple(:obj:`FixedPoint`, tf.Tensor): a new FixedPoint without fractional bits and the shift that was applied. """ # Divide values to remove fractional bits values = FixedPoint._rshift(self.values, self.frac_bits) return FixedPoint(values, self.value_bits, 0), self.frac_bits