Source code for quantizeml.layers.recorders

#!/usr/bin/env python
# ******************************************************************************
# Copyright 2022 Brainchip Holdings Ltd.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# ******************************************************************************

__all__ = ["recording", "TensorRecorder", "FixedPointRecorder", "QFloatRecorder",
           "NonTrackVariable", "NonTrackFixedPointVariable"]

import os
import tensorflow as tf
from contextlib import contextmanager

from ..tensors import FixedPoint, QFloat


[docs]@contextmanager def recording(enable): """Enable or disable recording. Args: enable (bool): True to enable recording, False to disable it """ value = "1" if enable else "0" _prev_state = os.environ.get(RECORDING_ENV, None) try: os.environ[RECORDING_ENV] = value yield finally: # Recover default value if _prev_state is not None: os.environ[RECORDING_ENV] = _prev_state else: os.environ.pop(RECORDING_ENV)
class BaseNonTrackVariable(): """Base interface class for temporary variables that should be tracked only during the call and which does not require to be serialized within the layer. """ def __init__(self, name=""): self._name = name self._var = None @property def var(self): raise NotImplementedError @tf.function def set_var(self, new_value): raise NotImplementedError @tf.function def init_var(self): raise NotImplementedError def reset_var(self): raise NotImplementedError
[docs]class NonTrackVariable(BaseNonTrackVariable): """A wrapper class for the temporary Tensor variables that should be tracked only during the call and which does not require to be serialized within the layer. """ @property def var(self): return self._var @tf.function def set_var(self, new_value): self._var.assign(new_value) @tf.function def init_var(self, init_value, validate_shape=False): """Function that creates and initializes a variable, if it doesn't exist. This variable will be integrated in the layer graph and tracked (but not within the main layer variables). See pattern defined here: Args: init_value (tf.Tensor): Tensor, or Python object convertible to a Tensor which is the initial value for the Variable. The initial value must have a shape specified unless validate_shape is set to False. validate_shape (bool, optional): If False, allows the variable to be initialized with a value of unknown shape. If True the shape of initial_value must be known. Defaults to False. """ if self._var is None: self._var = tf.Variable(init_value, trainable=False, validate_shape=validate_shape, name=self._name, synchronization=tf.VariableSynchronization.ON_READ) def reset_var(self): """ Reset internal var.""" if self._var is not None: self._var.assign_add(-self._var)
[docs]class NonTrackFixedPointVariable(BaseNonTrackVariable): """A wrapper class for the temporary FixedPoint variables that should be tracked only during the call and which does not require to be serialized within the layer. """ def __init__(self, name=""): super().__init__(name) self._frac_bits = None self._value_bits = None @property def var(self): return None if self._var is None else FixedPoint(self._var, self._value_bits, self._frac_bits) def promote(self, target_value_bits): return self.var.promote(target_value_bits) def expand(self, target_value_bits): return self.var.expand(target_value_bits) @tf.function def set_var(self, new_value): assert (isinstance(new_value, FixedPoint)) self._var.assign(new_value.values) self._frac_bits.assign(new_value.frac_bits) self._value_bits = new_value.value_bits @tf.function def init_var(self, init_value, validate_shape=False): """Function that creates and initializes a variable, if it doesn't exist. This variable will be integrated in the layer graph and tracked (but not within the main layer variables). See pattern defined here: Args: init_value (FixedPoint): initial FixedPoint variable. validate_shape (bool, optional): If False, allows the variable to be initialized with a value of unknown shape. If True the shape of initial_value must be known. Defaults to False. """ assert (isinstance(init_value, FixedPoint)) if self._var is None: self._var = tf.Variable(init_value.values, trainable=False, validate_shape=validate_shape, name=self._name, synchronization=tf.VariableSynchronization.ON_READ) self._frac_bits = tf.Variable(init_value.frac_bits, trainable=False, validate_shape=validate_shape, name=self._name + "/frac_bits", synchronization=tf.VariableSynchronization.ON_READ) self._value_bits = init_value.value_bits def reset_var(self): """ Reset internal var.""" if self._var is not None: self._var.assign_add(-self._var) self._frac_bits.assign_add(-self._frac_bits)
[docs]class TensorRecorder(NonTrackVariable): """Wrapper class to store and retrieve a tf.Tensor extracted from a graph. This is mainly used to recover FixedPoint alignment shift information. """ @property def name(self): return self._name if self._name is not None else "record" @property def recording(self): """Flag to specify if the object is in recording mode or not. Returns: bool: True if recording mode is enabled, False otherwise. """ value = os.environ.get(RECORDING_ENV, "0") return (value == "1") @property def value(self): """Get the recorded value. Returns: tf.Tensor: value of the stored record or None. """ return None if self._var is None else self._var.value() def __call__(self, inputs): """Record the values of the inputs if recording is True. Args: inputs (tf.Tensor): new values. Returns: tf.Tensor: the inputs. """ self.init_var(tf.zeros_like(inputs), True) if self.recording: # Store the new values self.set_var(inputs) return inputs
[docs]class FixedPointRecorder(): """Wrapper class to store and retrieve a FixedPoint extracted from a graph. This is mainly used to recover FixedPoint quantized weights. """ def __init__(self, name=""): self._value_bits = None self._name = name if name != "": name += "/" self._values = TensorRecorder(name + "values/record") self._frac_bits = TensorRecorder(name + "frac_bits/record") @property def name(self): return self._name if self._name is not None else "record" @property def value(self): """Get the recorded value. Returns: :obj:`FixedPoint`: value of the stored record or None. """ return None if self._value_bits is None else FixedPoint(self._values.value, self._value_bits, self._frac_bits.value) @property def recording(self): return self._values.recording def __call__(self, inputs): """Record the values of the inputs if recording is True. Args: inputs (:obj:`FixedPoint`): new values. Returns: :obj:`FixedPoint`: the inputs. """ if self.recording: self._value_bits = inputs.value_bits self._values(inputs.values) self._frac_bits(inputs.frac_bits) return inputs
[docs]class QFloatRecorder(): """Wrapper class to store and retrieve a QFloat extracted from a graph. This is mainly used to recover QFloat quantized weights. """ def __init__(self, name=""): self._fp = FixedPointRecorder(name) scales_name = "scales/record" if name != "": scales_name = name + "/" + scales_name self._scales = TensorRecorder(scales_name) @property def name(self): return @property def value(self): """Get the recorded value. Returns: :obj:`QFloat`: value of the stored record or None. """ return None if self._fp.value is None else QFloat(self._fp.value, self._scales.value) @property def recording(self): return self._fp.recording def __call__(self, inputs): """Record the values of the inputs if recording is True. Args: inputs (:obj:`QFloat`): new values. Returns: :obj:`QFloat`: the inputs. """ self._fp(inputs.fp) self._scales(inputs.scales) return inputs