Source code for akida_models.imagenet.model_akidanet

#!/usr/bin/env python
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AkidaNet model definition for ImageNet classification.

AkidaNet is an NSoC optimized model inspired from VGG and MobileNet V1
architectures. It can be used for multiple use cases through transfer learning.


__all__ = ["akidanet_imagenet", "akidanet_imagenet_pretrained",
           "akidanet_faceidentification_pretrained", "akidanet_plantvillage_pretrained",

from keras import Model, regularizers
from keras.layers import Input, Dropout, Rescaling

from .imagenet_utils import obtain_input_shape
from ..layer_blocks import conv_block, separable_conv_block, dense_block
from ..utils import fetch_file, get_params_by_version
from ..model_io import load_model, get_model_path

[docs] def akidanet_imagenet(input_shape=None, alpha=1.0, include_top=True, pooling=None, classes=1000, input_scaling=(128, -1)): """Instantiates the AkidaNet architecture. Note: input preprocessing is included as part of the model (as a Rescaling layer). This model expects inputs to be float tensors of pixels with values in the [0, 255] range. Args: input_shape (tuple, optional): shape tuple. Defaults to None. alpha (float, optional): controls the width of the model. Defaults to 1.0. * If `alpha` < 1.0, proportionally decreases the number of filters in each layer. * If `alpha` > 1.0, proportionally increases the number of filters in each layer. * If `alpha` = 1, default number of filters from the paper are used at each layer. include_top (bool, optional): whether to include the fully-connected layer at the top of the model. Defaults to True. pooling (str, optional): optional pooling mode for feature extraction when `include_top` is `False`. Defaults to None. * `None` means that the output of the model will be the 4D tensor output of the last convolutional block. * `avg` means that global average pooling will be applied to the output of the last convolutional block, and thus the output of the model will be a 2D tensor. classes (int, optional): optional number of classes to classify images into, only to be specified if `include_top` is `True`. Defaults to 1000. input_scaling (tuple, optional): scale factor and offset to apply to inputs. Defaults to (128, -1). Note that following Akida convention, the scale factor is an integer used as a divisor. Returns: keras.Model: a Keras model for AkidaNet/ImageNet. Raises: ValueError: in case of invalid input shape. """ # Define weight regularization, will apply to the convolutional layers and # to all pointwise weights of separable convolutional layers. weight_regularizer = regularizers.l2(4e-5) # Model version management fused, post_relu_gap, relu_activation = get_params_by_version(relu_v2='ReLU7.5') # Determine proper input shape and default size. if input_shape is None: default_size = 224 else: rows = input_shape[0] cols = input_shape[1] if rows == cols and rows in [128, 160, 192, 224]: default_size = rows else: default_size = 224 input_shape = obtain_input_shape(input_shape, default_size=default_size, min_size=32, include_top=include_top) img_input = Input(shape=input_shape, name="input") if input_scaling is None: x = img_input else: scale, offset = input_scaling x = Rescaling(1. / scale, offset, name="rescaling")(img_input) x = conv_block(x, filters=int(32 * alpha), name='conv_0', kernel_size=(3, 3), padding='same', use_bias=False, strides=2, add_batchnorm=True, relu_activation=relu_activation, kernel_regularizer=weight_regularizer) x = conv_block(x, filters=int(64 * alpha), name='conv_1', kernel_size=(3, 3), padding='same', use_bias=False, add_batchnorm=True, relu_activation=relu_activation, kernel_regularizer=weight_regularizer) x = conv_block(x, filters=int(128 * alpha), name='conv_2', kernel_size=(3, 3), padding='same', strides=2, use_bias=False, add_batchnorm=True, relu_activation=relu_activation, kernel_regularizer=weight_regularizer) x = conv_block(x, filters=int(128 * alpha), name='conv_3', kernel_size=(3, 3), padding='same', use_bias=False, add_batchnorm=True, relu_activation=relu_activation, kernel_regularizer=weight_regularizer) x = separable_conv_block(x, filters=int(256 * alpha), name='separable_4', kernel_size=(3, 3), padding='same', strides=2, use_bias=False, add_batchnorm=True, relu_activation=relu_activation, fused=fused, pointwise_regularizer=weight_regularizer) x = separable_conv_block(x, filters=int(256 * alpha), name='separable_5', kernel_size=(3, 3), padding='same', use_bias=False, add_batchnorm=True, relu_activation=relu_activation, fused=fused, pointwise_regularizer=weight_regularizer) x = separable_conv_block(x, filters=int(512 * alpha), name='separable_6', kernel_size=(3, 3), padding='same', strides=2, use_bias=False, add_batchnorm=True, relu_activation=relu_activation, fused=fused, pointwise_regularizer=weight_regularizer) x = separable_conv_block(x, filters=int(512 * alpha), name='separable_7', kernel_size=(3, 3), padding='same', use_bias=False, add_batchnorm=True, relu_activation=relu_activation, fused=fused, pointwise_regularizer=weight_regularizer) x = separable_conv_block(x, filters=int(512 * alpha), name='separable_8', kernel_size=(3, 3), padding='same', use_bias=False, add_batchnorm=True, relu_activation=relu_activation, fused=fused, pointwise_regularizer=weight_regularizer) x = separable_conv_block(x, filters=int(512 * alpha), name='separable_9', kernel_size=(3, 3), padding='same', use_bias=False, add_batchnorm=True, relu_activation=relu_activation, fused=fused, pointwise_regularizer=weight_regularizer) x = separable_conv_block(x, filters=int(512 * alpha), name='separable_10', kernel_size=(3, 3), padding='same', use_bias=False, add_batchnorm=True, relu_activation=relu_activation, fused=fused, pointwise_regularizer=weight_regularizer) x = separable_conv_block(x, filters=int(512 * alpha), name='separable_11', kernel_size=(3, 3), padding='same', use_bias=False, add_batchnorm=True, relu_activation=relu_activation, fused=fused, pointwise_regularizer=weight_regularizer) x = separable_conv_block(x, filters=int(1024 * alpha), name='separable_12', kernel_size=(3, 3), padding='same', strides=2, use_bias=False, add_batchnorm=True, relu_activation=relu_activation, fused=fused, pointwise_regularizer=weight_regularizer) # Last separable layer with global pooling layer_pooling = 'global_avg' if include_top or pooling == 'avg' else None x = separable_conv_block(x, filters=int(1024 * alpha), name='separable_13', kernel_size=(3, 3), padding='same', pooling=layer_pooling, use_bias=False, add_batchnorm=True, relu_activation=relu_activation, fused=fused, post_relu_gap=post_relu_gap, pointwise_regularizer=weight_regularizer) if include_top: x = Dropout(1e-3, name='dropout')(x) x = dense_block(x, classes, name='classifier', add_batchnorm=False, relu_activation=False, kernel_regularizer=weight_regularizer) # Create model. return Model(img_input, x, name='akidanet_%0.2f_%s_%s' % (alpha, input_shape[0], classes))
[docs] def akidanet_imagenet_pretrained(alpha=1.0, quantized=True): """ Helper method to retrieve an `akidanet_imagenet` model that was trained on ImageNet dataset. Args: alpha (float, optional): width of the model, allowed values in [0.25, 0.5, 1]. Defaults to 1.0. quantized (bool, optional): a boolean indicating whether the model should be loaded quantized or not. Defaults to True. Returns: keras.Model: a Keras Model instance. """ if alpha == 1.0: if quantized: model_name_v1 = 'akidanet_imagenet_224_iq8_wq4_aq4.h5' file_hash_v1 = '359e0ff05abbb26fe215830ca467ef40761767c0d77f8c743c6d6e4fffa7a925' model_name_v2 = 'akidanet_imagenet_224_alpha_1_i8_w4_a4.h5' file_hash_v2 = '5c6d3009a0a62139696234b86ddbad5186e889e2c351f727e2b96c3926816a5c' else: model_name_v1 = 'akidanet_imagenet_224.h5' file_hash_v1 = '9208233d21c3251777b1f700b7c2c51491590133f97f81f04348ab131679b00f' model_name_v2 = 'akidanet_imagenet_224_alpha_1.h5' file_hash_v2 = 'fc4aaf81a8aec8792709ae0fa10aac2dcb9517202a6f919e049c4db96f272339' elif alpha == 0.5: if quantized: model_name_v1 = 'akidanet_imagenet_224_alpha_50_iq8_wq4_aq4.h5' file_hash_v1 = '1d9493115d43625f2644f8265f71b8487c4019047fc331e892a233a3d6520371' model_name_v2 = 'akidanet_imagenet_224_alpha_0.5_i8_w4_a4.h5' file_hash_v2 = '1f2acdabe7fca379f2e8e13df2c080eec18090fe155869f2351fc15c8ab1829b' else: model_name_v1 = 'akidanet_imagenet_224_alpha_50.h5' file_hash_v1 = '61f2883a6b798f922a5c0411296219a85f25581d7571f65546557b46066f058f' model_name_v2 = 'akidanet_imagenet_224_alpha_0.5.h5' file_hash_v2 = '6d202e9477d89192abe069e3a87105e0db8fe4a6a1a152afc933b687dd5418b8' elif alpha == 0.25: if quantized: model_name_v1 = 'akidanet_imagenet_224_alpha_25_iq8_wq4_aq4.h5' file_hash_v1 = '9146d6228d859d8b8db1c1b7a795471096e5a49ee4ff5656eabc6be749d42f5e' model_name_v2 = 'akidanet_imagenet_224_alpha_0.25_i8_w4_a4.h5' file_hash_v2 = '3aad95e41263c393b6a3fc80c8788615b0d53b938b7f7702b52fdbb93e76b7f1' else: model_name_v1 = 'akidanet_imagenet_224_alpha_25.h5' file_hash_v1 = '23d96a1c73397a5c2060808f3843d99fa3cd96b5b1af36e03b0d039be393c001' model_name_v2 = 'akidanet_imagenet_224_alpha_0.25.h5' file_hash_v2 = 'bb2b39fc2e41009547eb267fd8b6c66d7a5a16e72ffed4a641ec82f50fb4370f' else: raise ValueError( f"Requested model with alpha={alpha} is not available.") model_path, model_name, file_hash = get_model_path("akidanet", model_name_v1, file_hash_v1, model_name_v2, file_hash_v2) model_path = fetch_file(model_path, fname=model_name, file_hash=file_hash, cache_subdir='models') return load_model(model_path)
[docs] def akidanet_faceidentification_pretrained(quantized=True): """ Helper method to retrieve an `akidanet_imagenet` model that was trained on CASIA Webface dataset and that performs face identification. Args: quantized (bool, optional): a boolean indicating whether the model should be loaded quantized or not. Defaults to True. Returns: keras.Model: a Keras Model instance. """ if quantized: model_name_v1 = 'akidanet_faceidentification_iq8_wq4_aq4.h5' file_hash_v1 = 'b287f86155c51dc73053f7e5f3e58be1beb4a35d543dd817a63a782ffaf5bff1' model_name_v2 = 'akidanet_faceidentification_i8_w4_a4.h5' file_hash_v2 = 'd38af7f3bb24d1e8f0e0471d8afb80ae1c8cb3589031e153abac120434bde8e7' else: model_name_v1 = 'akidanet_faceidentification.h5' file_hash_v1 = '998b6cdce5adbdb0b7c3e9f8eb1011c3582e05f0c159e473d226a9a94c4309a1' model_name_v2 = 'akidanet_faceidentification.h5' file_hash_v2 = 'f7b65fbf520f51b3c0c6d8cb7fcc78391536f200a45dbc8b9bd16262ebd82b18' model_path, model_name, file_hash = get_model_path("akidanet", model_name_v1, file_hash_v1, model_name_v2, file_hash_v2) model_path = fetch_file(model_path, fname=model_name, file_hash=file_hash, cache_subdir='models') return load_model(model_path)
[docs] def akidanet_plantvillage_pretrained(quantized=True): """ Helper method to retrieve an `akidanet_imagenet` model that was trained on PlantVillage dataset. Args: quantized (bool, optional): a boolean indicating whether the model should be loaded quantized or not. Defaults to True. Returns: keras.Model: a Keras Model instance. """ if quantized: model_name_v1 = 'akidanet_plantvillage_iq8_wq4_aq4.h5' file_hash_v1 = '1400910c774fd78a5e6ea227ff28cb28e79ecec0909a378068cd9f40ddaf4e0a' model_name_v2 = 'akidanet_plantvillage_i8_w4_a4.h5' file_hash_v2 = '75a852761c73be14c3f2b424cf5703bf9f7a57cb9de0a917b71cf9b9b3e355da' else: model_name_v1 = None file_hash_v1 = None model_name_v2 = 'akidanet_plantvillage.h5' file_hash_v2 = '625145dec17e286beb61b9f683dc2f518752e5f9203d3b69b27c07d802528dbd' model_path, model_name, file_hash = get_model_path("akidanet", model_name_v1, file_hash_v1, model_name_v2, file_hash_v2) model_path = fetch_file(model_path, fname=model_name, file_hash=file_hash, cache_subdir='models') return load_model(model_path)
[docs] def akidanet_vww_pretrained(quantized=True): """ Helper method to retrieve an `akidanet_imagenet` model that was trained on VWW dataset. Args: quantized (bool, optional): a boolean indicating whether the model should be loaded quantized or not. Defaults to True. Returns: keras.Model: a Keras Model instance. """ if quantized: model_name_v1 = 'akidanet_vww_iq8_wq4_aq4.h5' file_hash_v1 = 'cd130d90ed736447b6244dc1228e708b9dab20af0d2bf57b9a49df4362467ea8' model_name_v2 = 'akidanet_vww_i8_w4_a4.h5' file_hash_v2 = 'a54cb42906ed5eb253bac223123a1bbe7e14e4e188b4d877feb195759f85d9b2' else: model_name_v1 = 'akidanet_vww.h5' file_hash_v1 = '00e03f13226cd622ad92bdb3402c4b4399a69875f2dde6ccadfb235ad6994d78' model_name_v2 = 'akidanet_vww.h5' file_hash_v2 = '635cbb3cfa486f44d0fca7ca66dbc794b87b67d7d77ab32e06780ecb278c2c58' model_path, model_name, file_hash = get_model_path("akidanet", model_name_v1, file_hash_v1, model_name_v2, file_hash_v2) model_path = fetch_file(model_path, fname=model_name, file_hash=file_hash, cache_subdir='models') return load_model(model_path)